Volunteers given once in a lifetime opportunity with Mersey Gateway Bridge project
Local residents from Halton and the surrounding area are being invited to become volunteers and be part of the ‘once in a lifetime’ Mersey Gateway Bridge project.
Construction consortium Merseylink is seeking hundreds of volunteers to join the project team. They will complement the thousands of direct and indirect jobs that will be created as a result of the project.
Together, they will help to tell the story of Halton and the £600m bridge – one of the largest building projects in the UK – over the next three and a half years.
“We’ve already started our recruitment activity and now we also want to talk to local people young and old who are keen to roll up their sleeves and be part of something amazing,” said Neil Wilcock, Merseylink’s Employment Skills Co-ordinator.
“The volunteers, who have to be over 16 and enthusiastic, will find a great way to learn new skills, meet new friends and have fun.”
Merseylink will work with the Halton Employment Partnership to market the training programme and volunteer opportunities to target groups within Halton. At this stage anticipated target groups include: unemployed adults, adults facing redundancy, young people not in employment, education or training, disadvantaged groups and retired people.
All successful applicants will be enrolled on to a special Mersey Gateway volunteer training programme, which will cover the following aspects:
· employability skills
· customer skills
· presentation skills
· community engagement
· history, aims and objectives of the project
· local heritage
· scope of project – works, services and tolling
· construction programme – length, phases, key milestones
Once recruited, volunteers will work alongside Merseylink staff in delivering a programme of talks, presentations and temporary exhibitions in local community venues, schools, colleges. Volunteers will also support the exhibitions, talks and presentations offered through the Visitors Centres.
The volunteering experience, with training and work experience will offer individuals:
· an enhanced CV,
· vital work experience,
· new skills,
· increased social networks; and
· increase their success in the job market post their involvement.
“The volunteers will be vital in the creation of a great visitor experience of which Halton can be proud,” commented Cllr Eddie Jones, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development with Halton Borough Council.
He added “For our young people, volunteering can be very fulfilling. It can also be a major supplement to their CVs, providing valuable character building and work experience to aid their employment prospects. So this is a rare opportunity. Also, it can be a wonderful chance for older people to contribute, to demonstrate their skills or display some great local knowledge. For those keen to give something back to their community, this is the opportunity to be an important part of our amazing and iconic project “.
Two volunteer information days are being held in March to give potential volunteers an idea of the role they will play. To register your interest, please email volunteers@merseylink.com.