Planning Applications
Expressway planning application
This application covers the changes in the road network in Runcorn from the Central Expressway to M56 junction 12 via Weston Link.
Silver Jubilee Bridge planning application
This application covers the changes in the road network from Ditton roundabout in Widnes to the Runcorn end of the Silver Jubilee Bridge.
Listed Building Consent
This application covers the changes to the Silver Jubilee Bridge road layout and to introduce new pedestrian and cycle routes.
Compulsory Purchase Orders
These orders allow the use of compulsory purchase powers to buy land required along the route where it is not covered by the Transport and Works Act Order.
Central Expressway CPO
Central Expressway CPO – Plan 1 of 3
Central Expressway CPO – Plan 2 of 3
Central Expressway CPO – Plan 3 of 3
Queensway CPO
Queensway CPO Plan
Side Road Orders
These orders allow the closure, and where necessary, the re-routing of access routes like side roads, bridleways and footpaths that are affected by the project.
Central Expressway SRO
Central Expressway SRO Plan 1
Central Expressway SRO Plan 1A
Central Expressway SRO Plan 2
Central Expressway SRO Plan 2A
Central Expressway SRO Plan 3
Central Expressway SRO Plan 3A
Central Expressway SRO Plan 4
Central Expressway SRO Plan 4A
Queensway SRO
Queensway SRO Plan
Planning drawings
Planning drawings
Central Expressway
- Scheme Layout Plan
- General Arrangement Sheet 7 of 10
- General Arrangement Sheet 8 of 10
- General Arrangement Sheet 9 of 10
- General Arrangement Sheet 20 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 21 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 22 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 23 of 46
- Central Expressway to M56
- Structures Location
- Lodge Lane Junction Bridge
- M56 Junction 12 Retaining Wall 1 of 2
- M56 Junction 12 Retaining Wall 2 of 2
- Central Expressway Busway Bridge
- Lodge Lane North footbridge
- General Arrangement Sheet 24 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 25 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 26 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 45 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 27 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 28 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 29 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 46 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 30 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 31 of 46
- General Arrangement Sheet 32 of 46
- Key Plan of Central Expressway Sections
- Central Expressway Cross Section CH5 550
- Central Expressway Cross Section CH5 900
- Central Expressway Cross Section CH6 100
- Central Expressway Cross Section CH6 650
- Central Expressway Cross Section CH6 950
- Central Expressway Cross Section CH7 450
- Scheme Layout Plan
- General Arrangement Sheet 3 of 10
- General Arrangement Sheet 10 of 10
- SJB Approaches – Planning Application Boundary
You can access further information and detailed documentation about the purpose of each of these applications and orders by clicking on the links above.
The project team also conducted a comprehensive Environment Impact Assessment to look at how the plans will impact on the environment. This was submitted alongside the planning applications as an Environmental Statement. You can read the Non-technical summary or look at the detailed chapters.
In the spring of 2012 three additional planning applications, detailing a series of modifications to the project, were approved by Halton Borough Council. You can see these applications in full here.