The Mersey Gateway Project

No access between Runcorn and M56 Junction 12 on 26-28 July

July 24, 2014LornaNews

There will be no access between Runcorn and Junction 12 of the M56 between 10pm this Saturday (26 July) and 5am on Monday 28 July due to a closure of the north roundabout at Junction 12.

Drivers traveling between the M56 and Runcorn will be signposted and diverted to use Junction 11 for Daresbury and directed along Chester Road and the Southern Expressway. Diversion signs will also be in place for drivers seeking to travel from Runcorn to the M56.

Both the eastbound entry and exit slip roads at Junction 12 on the M56 will be closed completely during this time, with all traffic diverted via Junction 11. The work is being done at this time to keep disruption to a minimum.

At Junction 12, the only access available on to the M56 will be for the westbound traffic from the southern Clifton roundabout (south of the junction).

The westbound exit slip road will also be open but there will be no access to Runcorn from this junction, so traffic will be diverted via Junction 11.

Emergency and local access to Cholmondeley Road and Clifton Village will be maintained throughout the closure. Access to Cholmondeley Road will be via Weston Link where signage will be in place directing drivers through the site access point.

Drivers will be met by a member of Merseylink’s Traffic Management team and escorted safely through the works site by the Traffic Safety and Control Officer (TSCO).


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