The Mersey Gateway Project

Merseylink invites residents to find out more about the Bridge project

June 26, 2013LornaNews

Residents from Halton are invited to find out more about the Merseylink plans for the new Mersey Gateway Bridge at two events in the borough.

The events are being hosted by Merseylink, the consortium which was named last week as the preferred bidder for the long awaited £600 million project.

Chris Rhead, Project Director for Merseylink, said: “We are keen to get to work with the community in Halton to make sure this significant project is delivered with as little disruption as possible and also set up a communications programme with the local people.

“The events will give you the opportunity to get to know Merseylink, to see the plans in detail, and ask questions.

“Our team will also be available to explain some of the ideas and opportunities we have for enhancing employment and skills, improving the environment and managing traffic during the build process.

“I would really like to see as many of you as possible at each event, so we can ensure a good understanding of our plans, design and programme.”

The events are: at Runcorn Town Hall, Tuesday July 9 between 12 noon and 8 pm and at the Stobart Stadium in Widnes (Bridge Suite) on Tuesday July 16 between 12 noon and 8 pm.

There will also be the chance at the events to make comment on a fresh planning application, which is being made by Merseylink in relation to changes to the proposed Bridgewater Junction, which is on the site of the current Bridgewater Interchange.

Public consultation on this application runs from the 1st to 26th July, and and Merseylink would like to hear your comments. Chris Rhead added: “We believe our modified approach to the Bridgewater Junction is a better solution than the one which currently has planning approval. It will reduce disruption for local residents, and the works are expected to take less than six months.. We would welcome any views from local people.”


Merseylink was announced as the Preferred Bidder for the Mersey Gateway Bridge project in June 2013. The consortium is made up of partners with international experience in delivering major infrastructure projects.

The consortium’s equity members are: Macquarie Capital Group Limited; Bilfinger Project Investments Europe Limited  and FCC Construcción S.A.

The construction joint venture for the Merseylink consortium is made up of: Samsung C&T Corporation; FCC Construcción S.A. ; Kier Infrastructure and Overseas Limited. The tolling installation and operation will be provided by: Sanef S.A.

The Mersey Gateway Bridge is scheduled to open in spring 2017.

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