The Mersey Gateway Project

Mersey Gateway market consultation exercise launched

February 2, 2011LornaNews

The Mersey Gateway Project is taking the next step in the process of appointing a Design Build Finance and Operate (DBFO) contractor by launching a market consultation exercise.

The exercise, which will be launched this week through an official OJEU Prior Information Notice (PIN), will explain key aspects of the Mersey Gateway Project and invite firms that may be interested in bidding for the contract to comment.

There are four key aims for the consultation:

  • to advise the market of the council’s approach to the project
  • to obtain the private sector’s view on the approach to a number of key commercial issues
  • to allow consultees to raise any matters they consider important before procurement is formally launched.
  • to demonstrate that the project is well developed

As part of the consultation process, an Industry Day will be held for the potential bidders to meet the project team and discuss in detail aspects of the proposed procurement process.

Steve Nicholson, Mersey Gateway Project Director, said:

“As we move towards kicking off the procurement process for the project in earnest, it’s important that we engage with potential bidders to ensure that there is a clear understanding of how the process is going to be carried out.

“It also gives the project team the opportunity to discuss developments with potential bidders which may help to improve our proposals.”

The Market Consultation will run until Friday 4th March. Interested parties should consult the PIN Notice published in the OJEU and follow the instructions for participating in the consultation and for attending the Industry Day. The full procurement process for the Mersey Gateway Project is expected to begin in spring once the funding package for the project is agreed with DfT.

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