The Mersey Gateway Project

Bridgewater / Daresbury / Central Expressway junction

December 29, 2014LornaNews
20120717_3_astmoor viaduct

Artist’s impression of Astmoor Viaduct

The traffic diversion, which will direct eastbound traffic using the Bridgewater Expessway through Astmoor Industrial Estate, will start in mid-January. The westbound carriageway on the Daresbury Expressway will be reduced to one lane running on the hard shoulder.

We expect this will add extra journey time to traffic travelling in all directions in this busy area.

Piling work will then begin at the Bridgewater site in mid-January, and is expected to last for about nine months. The work starts just north of the Bridgewater Canal and moves towards Astmoor. Once the piling work is complete then cranes will move in and concreting activity will start. In total it will take about two years to build the new junction at this site.

This piling work, which is using a different and much quieter method than the one used in the estuary itself, is to provide the foundations for the construction of 24 new piers, that will support the deck of the approach road to the bridge between the Bridgewater Canal and the Manchester Ship Canal.

It will be happening between the hours of 7am – 7pm Monday to Friday and 7am – 1pm on Saturday. Any work outside of these hours will need permission from Halton Borough Council.

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