Silver Jubilee Bridge now open – guidance for merseyflow customers

The Silver Jubilee Bridge between Runcorn and Widnes is now open to traffic and operating as a toll bridge – you have to pay a charge to cross it.
When you drive across the Silver Jubilee Bridge, you will need to pay a toll/charge to cross it, just as you do when crossing the Mersey Gateway Bridge.
Both bridges are using exactly the same charging, discount and registration system.
I’m already registered with merseyflow – do I need to do anything?
No. If you are already registered with merseyflow, you don’t need to do anything differently to start using and paying to cross the Silver Jubilee Bridge.
If you qualify for and already have a discount plan and merseyflow sticker that you use for the Mersey Gateway Bridge, that same discount plan and merseyflow sticker will now work for the Silver Jubilee Bridge too.
This applies to people with all types of merseyflow accounts and profiles including:
- Halton Resident plans
- Blue Badge holder plans
- Pre-pay plans with discounts of 5 or 10%
- Monthly passes
- App profiles
I’m not registered with merseyflow – what do I need to do?
Registering with merseyflow is the easiest and cheapest way to pay for your crossing. It is the only way to get a discount on the toll charge.
However, if you’re not registered with merseyflow, you can pay the charge for crossing the Silver Jubilee Bridge in exactly the same way that you currently pay for the Mersey Gateway Bridge.
The cost per crossing depends on your vehicle type, but starts at £2 for a standard sized car or a small van.
If you use either bridge and aren’t registered with merseyflow, and don’t pay by midnight the day after you cross, then you will receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).
There are currently four options for drivers who aren’t registered to pay for bridge crossings:
- By downloading and using the merseyflow app (24-hours a day, seven days a week).
- Online at (24-hours a day, seven days a week).
- By phone on 01928 878 878 – between 9am and 5.30pm Monday-Saturday and 10am-4pm Sunday and Bank Holidays. Outside of these opening hours payment can be taken 24/7 using the automated service for journeys you have already made, which you can reach by phoning 01928 878 878.
- At one of 10,000 Payzone outlets across the UK.
There are no payment booths on either bridge. This is to enable traffic to move freely across the river.
You can read more about the essential repair work that has taken place on the Silver Jubilee Bridge over the last three years at Halton Borough Council’s website.