The Mersey Gateway Project

A consultation took place between 8th March and 29th March 2018 to gather views about Halton Borough Council’s (the Council) proposals to update The Mersey Gateway Bridge and the A533 (Silver Jubilee Bridge) Roads User Charging Scheme Order 2017 (the 2017 RUCSO) by revoking it and replacing it with a new order.

This allowed the Council address observations received since the Mersey Gateway Bridge opened to traffic on 14 October 2017 and to clarify matters surrounding the toll charging regime that some feel are not clear.

The new order will be called the A533 (Mersey Gateway Bridge) and the A557 (Silver Jubilee Bridge) Road User Charging Scheme Order (the proposed RUCSO).

This consultation covered the Council’s proposals to:

  • revoke and replace The Mersey Gateway Bridge and the A533 (Silver Jubilee Bridge) Roads User Charging Scheme Order 2017;
  • allow additional groups to be capable of registering for exemption of toll charges for use of the Mersey Gateway and Silver Jubilee Bridges (the Bridges);
  • make changes to the current Halton Local User Discount (LUDS) Economic Hardship Scheme and;
  • propose a toll classification change for Motor Homes vehicles.

Consultation results

Over six thousand individuals, businesses and public organisations responded to the consultation which asked for views on proposed changes to the existing 2017 RUCSO.

The results can be found here:
Consultation Results Summary
Consultation Report – Final

On 18th April 2018, Halton Borough Council approved a new Road User Charging Scheme Order (RUCSO) for the Mersey Gateway Bridge and the Silver Jubilee Bridge (SJB) based on the findings of a public consultation.

The new 2018 RUCSO came into effect on the 19th April 2018.


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