Changes to diversion routes at Lodge Lane junction on 12 August 2016
The A533 Central Expressway to Southern Expressway route in Runcorn will reopen on Friday 12 August 2016. After this section of the Central Expressway has reopened, a number of existing diversions at Lodge Lane junction will be re-routed.
Central Expressway to Southern Expressway
The southern section of the Central Expressway was closed in both directions on 30 November 2015. The southbound Central Expressway to Southern Expressway route will reopen on Friday 12 August 2016. As a result of the road reopening, southbound traffic will no longer have to divert around local roads past Runcorn Shopping Centre.
Drivers will be able to travel south on the Central Expressway directly onto the Southern Expressway. Traffic will initially have to leave and rejoin the Central Expressway at the Halton Lea junction until the Expressway below the junction reopens in autumn 2016.
Central Expressway to Weston Link
The Central Expressway southbound to Weston Link route will open on completion of the Lodge Lane junction in spring 2017. Until then, traffic will be diverted via the Hallwood junction.
Southern Expressway to Central Expressway
The route from the Southern Expressway northbound to the Central Expressway will be diverted via Weston Link and the Rocksavage junction until the completion of the Lodge Lane junction in spring 2017.
Southern Expressway to Weston Link
The route from the Southern Expressway northbound to Weston Link remains open to traffic.
Weston Link to Central Expressway
The route from Weston Link to the Central Expressway reopened in April 2016, but traffic will be required to leave and rejoin the Central Expressway at the Halton Lea Junction until autumn 2016.
Weston Link to Southern Expressway
The Weston Link to Southern Expressway route was permanently closed in April 2016. The permanent alternative route takes traffic north on the Central Expressway, U-turning at the Halton Lea junction and then continuing south on to the Southern Expressway.