The Mersey Gateway Project

Mersey Gateway Time Bank 2024

February 15, 2024Helen StuartNews

An innovative support scheme developed as part of the Mersey Gateway Project is back boosting local community organisation in Halton.

Time Bank is a way for Merseylink – the consortium responsible for the design , construction, finance and operations of the Mersey Gateway Project Bridge and Road infrastructure- and Merseyflow – the tolling administrator ,to demonstrate their commitment to the local area and provide practical help and support to community groups, charities and voluntary organisations.

The scheme offers a commitment of time, expertise and resources from Merseylink and Merseyflow. Applicants will benefit from ‘deposits’ of time and resources, which can then be used to provide long-lasting benefits to community life in Halton.

The Timebank projects carefully selected for 2023 were St Patricks Care Home in Widnes, Runcorn and District Foodbank, Clifton Allotment Project and Oak Meadow Community Support Centre.
St Patricks Care Home and Oak Meadow Community Support centre have both benefited from garden maintenance and landscaping ensuring that their residents and visitors can access the outdoor space safely.
Clifton Allotment Project benefited from five volunteers transforming their communal area into a colourful garden with a clear and flat path for access.

Runcorn and District Foodbank received vital maintenance to their building facility guaranteeing that they can continue to welcome the local community throughout the winter. Timebank scheme was able to provide all materials and labour to complete the project efficiently.

A minimum of 30 days per year are committed through the Time Bank scheme, and assistance can include anything from regeneration activities, career advice, technical advice, general maintenance, painting and litter picking, as well as any suggestions applicants can provide.

The Mersey Gateway Time Bank scheme will re-open for applications for support from January 2024, .
The scheme provides help and practical support is open to community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Halton,.

Community groups, charities and voluntary organisations who are interested in applying for support from the Time Bank are advised to submit their applications from the beginning January 2024
Anyone interested in applying can email to apply or to find out more information.

Karen Atherton, Network Steward at Merseylink, said: “It’s been another fantastic year for the Time Bank scheme. The team really enjoyed projects ranging from reviving gardens and patios to supporting vital local food banks charities. We’re looking forward to welcoming even more projects on board for the Time Bank Initiative 2024.”

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